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Beware of the Hidden Costs of Selling in Rochester

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How much does it actually cost to buy or sell a Rochester home? This is a question on the minds of buyers, of course, but it’s also on the minds of homeowners who are wondering how much they can net on the sale of their home. Here are a few of the fees you can expect to pay when selling:

  • Commissions: 6%
    • Listing agent: 3%
    • Buyer’s agent: 3%
  • Transfer taxes & title fees: 1.5-2%

Altogether, a conservative estimate is that selling will cost you about 8% of the purchase price. To figure out how much you’ll actually net, take the potential purchase price and multiply it by 92%, and then subtract your loan balance plus per diem per. 

Beware that there are many hidden fees that could pop up during a home sale. The best way to mitigate these costs, or to handle them as smoothly as possible, is to work with a real estate professional who knows the process inside and out. They will look out for your best interests to ensure you’re not take advantage of in the process.

If you have any questions about this or if you need real estate assistance of any kind, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!

Avoid Frustrations By Hiring a Real Estate Team

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Today, we'll talk about why it’s important to use a team when buying a home. Here are the benefits.

It’s for your personal convenience. If you’re working with a lone Realtor, how will you get the opportunity to seek out those quickly selling homes? You won’t, because they’re working with at least a dozen other buyers.

A team revolves around your schedule. My team has the ability to be available on demand. In case of emergency, we have agents on call to cover you!

Additionally, teams personally match buyers to the agents. It could be based on personality, area of expertise, or even location. We want to ensure you have the best, most enjoyable customer service experience possible. For instance, our agent, Ryan, is also a licensed builder. Some homes in the surrounding area are only live on the MLS for a few days or less. If you’re going to build or upgrade a home, he’s someone you should work with.

Frequently, teams have a lead member as an anchor. On my team, I overlook as the anchor. I make sure everything is going well, such as with contracts or tough negotiations.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling in the surrounding Rochester area, give me a call or send me an email today. We look forward to hearing from you!